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Izba Administracji Skarbowej w Białymstoku
Strona główna arrow Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody

PNRP 32(1) za 2013 r.


The presence of alien plants in the coastal zone of Charzykow-skie Lake
(Zaborski Landscape Park)


In the last century, the process of introducing alien species has intensified due to the massive infrastructure development and trade exchange. Penetration of the protected areas by non-native species constitutes a serious problem.
The test site is located in the Zaborski Landscape Park and in the buffer zone around Tuchola Forest National Park. The Charzykowskie Lake is also surrounded by the protected areas of Natura 2000 network. The object of the study are the distribution patterns of foreign plant species of the Lake coastal area.
As the result of the research work in the zone, 11 alien species to the Polish flora were found. Their distribution is determined by, among other factors, habitat requirements and characteristics of the Lake shore. Foreign plants use natural migration corridors like watercourses and a system of connected water bodies to expand. Presence of some species is the result of human activities.
Impatiens glandulifera, Padus serotina and Acours calamous are the most common species at the same time present in the largest area. Large number of Reynoutria sachalinensis was also present. In the coastline both non-invasive and invasive alien species were observed. The most dangerous species for the native plants of the Charzykowskie Lake are Impatiens glandulifera,I. parviflora, Echinocystis lobata, Padus serotina, Reynoutria sachalinensis and Reynoutria japonica. The majority of aliens species observed in the study area require control and elimination. As part of such activities the mechanical removal of the localitis in protected areas is recommended, and controlling of trophic level of waters to prevent excessive inflow of nutrients.

Aculeata (Hymenoptera) of Kampinos National Park.
Part VI. Digger wasps (Spheciformes: Sphecidae, Crabronidae)


The paper presents information about the presence of digger wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Crabronidae) in the Kampinos National Park in Central Poland. The specimens were collected using water pan traps (‘‘Moerike-traps'') during the years 1999 - 2006. Research was carried out on wooden buildings situated in the Park and its vicinity (2000 - 2001), as well as in open, anthropogenic habitats including abandoned arable fields and grasslands under succession (1999 and during 2002 - 2006).
Altogether 3359 specimens were collected, representing 115 taxa (including 6 species of Sphecidae and 109 species of Crabronidae). Among the species, 24 are recorded from Kampinos National Park for the first time, and nine are new for the Mazovian Lowland (marked below with an asterisk); they are: Cerceris interrupta (PANZER, 1799), C. quadrifasciata (PANZER, 1799), Crabro ingricus F. MORAWITZ, 1888*, Crossocerus distinguendus (MORAWITZ, 1866), Didineis lunicornis (FABRICIUS, 1798), Ectemnius dives (LEPELETIER et BRULLE, 1834), Gorytes albidulus (LEPELETIER, 1832), G. quinquefasciatus (PANZER, 1798), Lindenius panzeri (VANDER LINDEN, 1829), Mimesa lutaria (FABRICIUS, 1787), Miscophus concolor DAHLBOM, 1844, Nitela borealis VALKEILA, 1974*, Nysson interruptus (FABRICIUS, 1798), Oxybelus trispinosus (FABRICIUS, 1787), O. variegatus WESMAEL, 1852*, O. victor LEPELETIER, 1845, Passaloecus borealis DAHLBOM, 1845*, Pemphredon baltica MERISUO, 1972*, P. enslini WAGNER, 1932*, P. fabricii MÜLLER, 1911*, Tachysphex fulvi-tarsis A. COSTA 1867, T. unicolor (PANZER, 1809), Trypoxylon deceptorium ANTROPOV, 1991*and T. medium DE BEAUMONT, 1945*.
The Kampinos National Park is, according to the current state of knowledge, the most diverse Polish national park, as far as the digger wasps are concerned; altogether, there were 152 species belonging to Sphecidae s.l. recorded from the area, which is about 2/3 of all the taxa known from Poland.

Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the nature reserve "Źródlisko Skrzypowe"


Caddisflies were studied in "Źródlisko Skrzypowe" nature reserve in 2006 (April, May and July). In total, 53 specimens were collected, representing 9 species. The reophilous species of Halesus digitatus/tesselatus clearly dominated in the collected material (due to the fact that larvae of the two species were highly similar, it was impossible to distinguish one from the other). Among crenophilous species two were recorded: Potamophylax nigricornis and Limnephilus elegans.As for Glyphotaelius pellucidus, it was characteristic of seasonal spring waters. Especially noteworthy from a sozological perspective was the presence of two species: Limnephilus elegans, featured on the Red List under DD category, and Stenophylax vibex, which had been recorded in Poland for the first time in 2006, in Greater Poland. Stenophylax vibex has also been encountered in Świętokrzyski National Park and the distribution of this species in Poland is probably expanding. Recording the presence of Stenophylax vibex in "Źródlisko Skrzypowe" nature reserve supplements the knowledge about the distribution of this species in Poland.


Herpetofauna of the Dziki Staw nature reserve


The forest nature reserve "Dziki Staw" ("Wild Pond") in Rytwiany is located in the eastern part of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship (central Poland). The reserve covers 6.52 ha and includes a small karstic lake (area of 2.16 ha) surrounded by a wet meadow, alder forests and mixed woods. Large fish ponds are located in the vicinity of the reserve. Together with the lake they provide favorable conditions for breeding amphibians.
Observations were carried out in the years 2008 - 2009. They included an inventory of amphibians and reptiles, along with the breeding ecology of chosen species. The following specieswere found: great crested newt Triturus cristatus LAUR., smooth newt Lissotriton vulgaris L., common toad Bufo bufo L., pool frog Pelophylax lessonae CAM., edible frog Pelophylax kl. esculentus L., common frog Rana temporaria L., moor frog Rana arvalis NILSS., sand lizardLacerta agilis L., viviparous lizard Zootoca vivipara JACQUIN, slow worm Anguis fragilis L.and grass snake Natrix natrix L. The research included the breeding ecology of the edible frogand common frog. The main threats include human presence (from the nearby Staszów) resultingin littering, poaching and a fire hazard.


Recolonization of the Magurski National Park
by the European beaver Castor fiber - 27 years after reintroduction


The reintroduction of the European beaver Castor fiber in the Beskid Niski was conducted in the years 1980 to 1985 after almost 400 years of absence of the species in this area. 16 years after the first reintroduction there was an inventory of European beavers positions conducted within the Magurski National Park. Five families were observed and a total population was estimated to be 23 - 26 individuals. Studies on the distribution and abundance of this species in the Magurski NP were performed again in the spring of 2007. They consisted of an inspection of all watercourses and open waters within the boundaries of the park. The population of the European beaver in the study area was defined on the basis of the assumption that the beaver family in Poland usually consists of 4 individuals. 11 localities were identified as inhabited by the European beaver families. Population was estimated at 44 individuals. Most families (5) were observed on the Ryjak stream and its surroundings. Due to the difficult mountainous conditions, the recolonization rate is relatively low, but the population seems to be stable and its numbers are steadily increasing. During research,15 species of trees and shrubs eaten by beavers were found (Table 1).

Nature and landscape values of reserves in the
Międzychodzko-Sierakowskie Lakeland


Międzychodzko-Sierakowskie Lakeland has high natural and landscape values. It is considered as a model area for a variety of research activities due to the presence of multiple geomorphological forms. The particularly important natural elements of the Lakeland are nature reserves. This study was aimed at providing accurate analysis of the value of reserves regarding potential attractiveness for visitors and an assessment of the impact of tourism on nature reserves.
It has been shown that both reserves themselves and their surroundings may be attractive for visitors and can raise the potential value of tourism in the region. Despite this, there were no major negative impacts of tourism on the state reserves. It might me caused due to the relatively small number of visitors and inadequate infrastructure. Despite this, it is necessary to constantly monitor the state of reserves and the introduction and improvement of infrastructure solutions that reduce the negative impact of humans.

Short floristic, faunistic and micobiotic notes


Materials for bryoflora of the Golcowe Bagno NatureReserve
(Równina Wałecka Plain, West Pomerania, Poland)


The Golcowe Bagno Nature Reserve was established for protection of peatland with natural vegetation (ZARZĄDZENIE... 1990). Bryological studies were conducted in 2006. We found 31 species of mosses and 6 liverworts. Distribution of all identified species is shown on the map (Fig. 1). We did not confirm the presence of localities of six taxa previously reported by JASNOWSKA and JASNOWSKI (1988) - Sphagnum balticum, S. centrale, S. contortum, S. obtusifolium, S. platyphyllum and S. rubellum. These species are considered as rare in Western Pomerania (JASNOWSKI 1962; JASNOWSKA, JASNOWSKI 1988; MELOSIK, URBAŃSKI 1997; WILHELM, WIĘCŁAW 2011). Bryoflora of nature reserve contains 10 taxa under strict protection and 14 under partial protection (ZARZĄDZENIE... 2012). Most of the valuable taxa were found in the bog. One liverwort species - Cladopodiella fluitans is threatened with extinction in Poland (KLAMA 2006).


A locality of land snail Cepaea vindobonensis
(FÉRUSSAC, 1821) in Gacki near Pińczów


A new locality of a land snail Cepaea vindobonensis was found at Gacki near Pińczów (50°27'30"N, 20°35'38"E, UTM DA69). The presence of C. vindobonensis was observed on the slopes (SE, E) of gypsum quarry with xerothermic and ruderal vegetation.


Monitoring of the butterflies (Rhopalocera) of the Magura National Park
and its environs - the assumptions and results of the pilot program


Faunistic inve stigation of butterflies of the Magura National Park was carried out in 1997 - 1998 by KOSIOR and WITKOWSKI (2000). The investigation has shown the presence of 74 species of butterflies. Taking the same monitoring positions creates an opportunity to observe the processes that take place while the fauna of butterflies changes. However, before the complete monitoring will be carried out, in 2012 a pilot program has been implemented. It covered five selected locations: Ciech, Rostajne, Nieznajowa, Polany and Kotan. The research positions were chosen in a specific way, so that they reflect the two types of origin and usage of non-forest land.
The first of them are Ciechania, Nieznajowa, Rostajne, and they represent the non-forest areas created as a result of post-World War II abandonment of the village by the Lemks. In order to maintain the characteristic features of these areas MPN actively protects the area. The next two positions are Polany and Kotań villages located in the environs of the park, it is a mosaic of meadows and pastures with the traditional model of agriculture typical for the Beskid Niski region. Field work consisted of counting the imaginal forms on linear transects. KOSIOR and WITKOWSKI (2000) presented 48 species of butterflies from 5 study stations. During the author's research 33 species of butterflies were found, among them one species Minois dryas - dryad is new to the fauna of butterflies of the Magura National Park. It was observed that a butterfly that is protected and included in the Red Book of animals with a category LC (GŁOWACIŃSKI 2001) Lycaena dispar - Large Copper expanded previous coverage and has been present on all monitoring positions. The remaining species are common in our country. In the next few years a full monitoring of MPN and its environs will be carried out.

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