PNRP 34(1) – 2015 r.
Vascular plants of the ‘‘Dąbrowa Krzymowska’’ nature reserve SUMMARY The Dąbrowa Krzymowska nature reserve is one of the best preserved acidophilous oak forests Calamagrostio-Quercetum in Poland (ZARĘBA 1979, 1986; PAWLACZYK, KUJAWA-PAWLACZYK 1999). The oldest oaks are about 380 years. Vascular flora of the reserve contains 99 species. Most of them are common in polish flora (ZAJĄC A., ZAJĄC M. 2001). One species Veronica montana is endangered (‘‘V'') in West Pomerania (ŻUKOWSKI, JACKOWIAK 1995). Alien species are represented by 4 tree taxa (Aesculus hippocastanum, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Padus serotina, Robinia pseudoacaccia), 1 shrub (Ribes uva-crispa) and 1 herb species (Solanum nigrum).
Ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of Wigry National Park SUMMARY This study's objective was a preliminary evaluation of the species composition of ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae) occurring in the area of Wigry National Park (NE Poland). Altogether, we recorded 38 species, which constitutes about 51% of the Polish fauna of Coccinellidae. Some of the species registered in this study are considered relatively rare in Poland. Most of these uncommon species are humid habitat specialists (Nephus redtenbacheri, Calvia quindecimguttata, Ceratomegilla notata, Hippodamia septemmaculata, Sospita vigintiguttata), although rare species associated with dry and warm sites (Scymnus femoralis, S. schmidti) and spruce forests (Scymnus abietis) were also found. We failed to find several ladybird species relatively common throughout Poland, which certainly occur also in Wigry National Park. Further investigations in this area of unique natural value should allow their discovery as well as the discovery of some other, less common species.
Syrphidae (Diptera) of Trojmiejski Landscape Park SUMMARY
Within Trójmiejski Landscape Park (TPK) and adjacent areas, a long-term
study of the hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) has been conducted,
mainly in the years 1995 - 2000, 2003 - 2004, 2009 - 2014. The
aim was to create a list of species occurring nowadays in this area
and compare that with other regions of Poland.
Nitelletum capillaris Corillion 1957 SUMMARY
In April 2014, Nitelletum capillaris plant
community was recorded in the Narew valley near Zajki village, in the
buffer zone of the Biebrza National Park. Plant association was
documented in a small pool (probably remnant of an oxbow lake) in the
sandy floodplain. Together with the abundant Nitella
capillaris occurred other macrophytes, e.g. Hottonia
palustris, Batrachium aquatile, Rorippa
amphibia, Sparganium erectum, Carex vesicaria and
Callitriche sp. The Nitelletum capillaris plant
association has not been phytosociologically documented and published
in Poland until now - only few unpublished data are known. Both the
species and its community are among the rarest and most endangered
elements of the plant cover of Poland. Hirudo
medicinalis (Hirudinea)
has been also recorded. This is probably the result of continuing
cattle grazing in the area around the oxbow lake.
New localities of Marsh Angelica Ostericum palustre (Apiaceae) SUMMARY
The March Angelica Ostericum palustre is
an endangered and protected species in Poland (ZARZYCKI, SZELĄG
2006; CZARNA et al. 2014, ROZPORZĄDZENIE... 2014). In recent years
several populations of this species were found in the Toruń city
vicinity, and Grabie village near Służewo, near A1 highway in
Kopanino village east of Toruń city, next to the Drwęca River
between Golub-Dobrzyń and Brodnica town and in Zabłocie near
Czernikowo village. Population size varies between several to more
than 1000 individuals. All sites were found outside the protected areas. |