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PNRP 35(1) – 2016 r.
Postglacial history of Bia這wie瘸 Forest – SUMMARY Pollen analysis of three profiles collected on peat-bogs in Bia這wie瘸 Forest is a base for reconstruction of vegetation history. The data cover the period of the final part of the Late Glacial and the Holocene. The climatic fluctuations had an important impact on the local hydrology. Drops in the water level, especially around 9100 - 8900, 8300, 7000 - 5400 and 2000 years BC and around AD 1000 and 2000, resulted in discontinuity in the sediment profiles. The most important features of the vegetation history are the high proportions of Corylus and low proportions of Quercus in the mid-Holocene, formation of Carpinus-Quercus forest since about 1800 BC and the late Picea abies population expansion at around AD 500. The pollen diagrams show the first traces of human activity in the levels dated to the late Neolithic or the early Bronze Age, then at the turn of the Bronze/Iron Ages, the Roman Iron Age, Middle Ages and the modern times. All settlement phases were characterized by relatively weak agricultural activity (cultivation). Most probably, the main economic impact onto the vegetation resulted from different forest industries. The best record of the human/environment relationships has been obtained for the last about four hundred years.
Share of pioneer tree species SUMMARY
Pioneer tree species (aspen, birches) play an important biocenotic role in
forests of northern Europe, Asia and N America. They quickly increase
in numbers after the occurrence of natural disturbances or after
cutting stands as well. In any forests, including Poland, such stands
are usually rebuilt (naturalized) by removing pioneer trees and
planting other species. One of the exceptions is the Bia這wie瘸
Forest, where still are many fragments of stands where trees have
never been cut down or planted. Here, we present data on pioneer tree
species in ca 100 years old deciduous tree stands, in the Bia這wie瘸
National Park.
Saproxylic springtails (Collembola SUMMARY Faunistic studies on saproxylic Collembola of the Karkonosze National Park (Sudety Mts, SW Poland) revealed the occurrence of 81 species, including 8 saproxylobiontic (Xenylla corticalis, Galanura agnieskae, Hymenaphorura polonica, Folsomia inoculata, Desoria nivea, Proisotoma clavipila, P. minima, Vertagopus cinereus), 11 saproxylophilous (Mesogastrura ojcoviensis, Friesea claviseta, Pseudachorutes corticicolus, P. parvulus, Pseudachorutella asigillata, Deutonura conjuncta, Neanura muscorum, N. parva, Thaumanura carolii, Micraphorura absoloni, Entomobrya corticalis), 10 xerophilous species living in mosses and lichens growing on dead and live trees (Xenylla boerneri, X. schillei, Anurophorus laricis, Pseudisotoma sensibilis, Tetracanthella fjellbergi, Vertagopus westerlundi, Entomobrya nivalis, Willowsia nigromaculata, Sminthurinus alpinus, S. gisini) and 52 hemiedaphic or euedaphic species. Among strictly saproxylic species, 6 live under bark (Xenylla corticalis, Friesea claviseta, Desoria nivea, Proisotoma clavipila, Vertagopus cinereus, Entomobrya corticalis), 2 (Galanura agnieskae, Hymenaphorura polonica) in rotten wood and 10 (Pseudachorutes corticicolus, P. parvulus, Pseudachorutella asigillata, Deutonura conjunta, Neanura muscorum, N. parva, Thaumanura carolii, Micraphorura absoloni, Folsomia inoculata, Proisotoma minima) among both habitats. The composition of saproxylobiontic and saproxylopilous species fauna seems to be optimal at the global scale, however locally varies widely depending on the degree of habitat alteration. The richest and the most diverse fauna lives in semi-natural beech-and oak-hornbeam forests growing in enclaves: Chojnik, Wodospad Szklarki and near Jagni徠ków village. Most of the saproxylobiontic species appeared to be rare in the Karkonosze National Park and consequently were recognized as good bioindicators of natural forest ecosystems.
Herpetofauna of the Cisów nature reserve SUMMARY
Forest nature reserve "Cisów im. prof. Zygmunta Czubi雟kiego" is
located in the central part of the 安i皻okrzyskie province (Kielce
county, municipality Daleszyce). The reserve covers 40.58 hectares
and includes only forests. These are mainly swamp, moist coniferous,
fresh mixed coniferous, fresh mixed, typical alder and alder-ash
forests. Its terrain is highly varied, with numerous trough-shaped
valleys and steep mountains slopes cut through by deep tectonic
ravines. An unnamed stream, originating in the northern part of the
reserve, flows mainly in its eastern part. It is a tributary of a
larger stream - ㄆkawka, also with its spring in the reserve. The
only water bodies are small backwaters and oxbow lakes of two rivers.
The study was conducted in 2015 - 2016. The aim was to determine
the incidence, distribution and phenology of amphibians and reptiles,
as well as the threats and proposed protective measures.
A new locality of the giant bellflower Campanula
latifolia L. (Campanulaceae) SUMMARY Campanula latifolia is a vascular plant species under a partial protection in Poland and is treated as a vulnerable one. In July 2015, a new locality of this regionally rare species was found in Jurkiszki in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park, NE Poland (coordinates: N54°18,544'/E22°22,086'; the ATPOL cartogram unit: FA8423, square of 2.5 km side). The plant grows on the edge of riparian forest and its population consists of 10 individual clumps dispersed over a few meters along the bank of the Jarka River. The habitat in which C. latifolia occurs is occupied mostly by plant species characteristic of nitrophilous synanthropic herb-rich communities of shaded riparian fringes from the class Galio-Urticetea. Floristic composition of vegetation is presented by phytosociological relevé. |