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PNRP 35(3) – 2016 r.
New data on distribution SUMMARY During the next phase of investigation of Dryad - Minois dryas (SCOPOLI, 1763) distribution in 2015 in south-eastern Poland the species was found at 55 new localities. The localities are placed in 20 (16 new) UTM square (10 × 10 km) and in 10 mesoregions - Orawa-Nowy Targ Valley, Pieniny Mts., Spisz-Gubałówka Foothills, Przemyśl Foothills, Sanok-Turka Mts., Dynów Foothills, Bukowsko Foothills, Jasło-KrosnoValley, Low Beskid Mts. and Western Bieszczady Mts. In 3 of them - Orawa-Nowy Targ Valley, Pieniny Mts. and Spisz-Gubałówka Foothills - Dryad was found for the first time. Additionally 11 known earlier sites located in 5 mesoregions have been monitored, in 2 of them authors didn't manage to confirm the presence of Dryad. Current and historical distribution of M. dryas in Poland generalized in UTM grid 10 × 10 km was summarized. Horizontal and vertical distribution of more than a hundred localities was thoroughly analyzed. Moreover, the size of the local population of M. dryas and its habitat preferences were analyzed. At the moment, the most common position of the species in Poland is site located on one of the Carpathian foothills, at an altitude of 350 - 400 m above sea level, located in the habitat of meadows, adjacent to forests and in conjunction with other types of habitats, mostly meadows and wasteland, on which exists a small or average population of that species, numbering from 2 to 50 individuals. In connection with the discovery of such a large number of new sites of M. dryas in the south-eastern part of the country the authors support the suggestion of changing the status of the species in the Polish Red Book of Animals from category CR - taxon critically endangered, to the category VU - vulnerable taxon and to maintain legal protection of the species in Poland, pending verification of the actual degree of danger in our country.
Numbers and population dynamics SUMMARY This paper presents the results of a six year (2009 - 2014) monitoring programme of birds inhabiting open areas in Kampinos National Park. Population dynamics analyses pointed to highly varying numbers of individual species. Not all trends were coincident with data for the whole country, but the numbers of some species were correlated with changes noted in Poland and Europe. One of the most important factors influencing the distribution of birds inhabiting open ecosystems, probably was the water level and climatic conditions, such as drought. For some species the water level was more important than the mowing of meadows in autumn and maintaining low vegetation. On the other hand the sustaining of semi-natural ecosystems through the mowing of meadows positively impacted the group of birds which preferred low grass. In the years with high precipitation and a high level of ground waters an increase of number of wading birds was noted, while in drier years the numbers of species inhabiting fields and fallow land grew. The monitoring also proved the increase of number of species considered to only occasionally inhabit the park, such as mute swan, greylag goose, european stonechat. The decrease of number of the following species was observed: whinchat, western yellow wagtail, thrush nightingale. The following species were observed only once during the whole monitoring programme: grey-headed woodpecker, tawny pipit, ortolan bunting.
Breeding Non-Passeriformes water bird species SUMMARY
In 2013 - 2014 a survey of the current composition of breeding
Non-Passeriformes waterfowl
of the complex of fish ponds Stawy Raszyńskie next to Warsaw was
conducted. It's a nature reserve, which contains 12 fish ponds,
emerged vegetation, nearest meadows, bushes and riparian forests.
A passive one-hundred years conservation SUMMARY
In the early XX century some clear-cuts (a few - a dozen hectares)
were done in several places of the current Białowieża National Park
(BNP) leaving a few old specimens ot oak and lime. Currently, these
fragments are covered with ca 100-year-old deciduous stands, which
was regenetated without human intervention, the same like
neighboring, never cut tree stands of primeval origin. Since the
composition and structure of bird communities are often used to
assess the degree of naturalness of the forest habitats, we aimed to
compare some bird' indices in primeval stands and in post-clear-cut
stands of the BNP. The most common forest stand in BNP
lime-hornbeam-oak Tilio-Carpinetum,
is covered with lime Tilia
hornbeam Carpinus
oak Quercus
spruce Picea
maple Acer
ash Fraxinus
elm Ulmus
and occasionally aspen Populus
tremula and
birches Betula
The post-clear-cut stands is dominated by old aspen and birch but
younger generations of the hornbeam and the lime dominate in numbers.
Vertebrates in the diet SUMMARY The research was carried out in the years 2013 - 2016 in the area of a forest complex Lipce, which is a part of a Rogów Forest District (central Poland). The forest complex comprised over 1000 ha and was surrounded by arable lands and dispersed building (Fig. 1). The main tree species in the forest was Scotch pine Pinus sylvestris. Areas covered with stands of old common beech Fagus sylvatica trees were protected as nature reserves. The aim of the study was an inventory of small vertebrates. A standard procedure of analyses of tawny owl Strix aluco pellets was used. Pellets were collected in six sites, during all the seasons. Altogether, in the collected material remains of 1425 vertebrates (representing at least 38 species) were found. Mammals dominated and accounted for 87% prey items, classified as 14 species. Most often, the owls caught yellow-necked mice Apodemus flavicollis and bank voles Myodes glareolus, accounting together for 44.7% of prey items. The share of an eurytopic species striped-field mouse Apodemus agrarius was over 6%. Typically synanthropic species, such as house mouse Mus musculus and brown rat Rattus norvegicus were recorded rarely (altogether 1.6% of prey items). The share of soricomorphs was 7.4%, common shrew Sorex araneus and mole Talpa europaea were caught most often (Tab. 1). Among remains of birds, 93 individuals belonging to 14 species were recorded. The most numerous were chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, starling Sturnus vulgaris and hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Tab. 2). It can be said that the studied forest complex, despite long-term forest management and high isolation, retained relatively natural assemblage of small mammals. It can be also assumed that these results reflect species composition of small mammal fauna of the two nature reserves located within the forest complex. |