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PNRP 36(2) – 2017 r.
Xerothermic grassland with Inula ensifolia SUMMARY Vascular flora and calciphilic, xerothermic vegetation were studied in eight Natura 2000 sites located in the Miechów Upland (southern Poland). The flora of the examined area is composed of more than 200 vascular plants, including numerous species protected and endangered on the country scale, such as: Adonis vernalis, Anemone sylvestris, Cirsium pannonicum, Gentianella ciliata, Linum flavum, Orchis militaris, Thymus marschallianus and Th. kosteleckyanus. The swardleaf inula Inuletum ensifoliae community (natural habitat 6210) was identified as the main type of xerothermic vegetation within the Natura 2000 sites under study. Depending on site conditions, the community occurs in three developmental stages: initial - with dominating branched St.Bernard's-lily Anthericum ramosum, typical - with dominating species characteristic of Inuletum ensifoliae, as well as the meadow like stage - with dominating heath false brome Brachypodium pinnatum. In the Natura 2000 sites examined, the typical phytocoenoses with dominating species of the class Festuco-Brometea were mainly observed on steep slopes of calcareous hills. The communities with an increased share of heath false brome and species characteristic of the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea overgrow locally less sharply inclined sites. Anthericum ramosum community was mostly found on eroded sites where sod surface is disturbed and fragmented. The vegetation of calciphilic, xerothermic sods is threatened mainly by forest succession, and its protection and restoration requires that cattle/sheep grazing and mowing is reinstated as soon as possible.
Plant communities from SUMMARY The communities of the Utricularietea intermedio-minoris Den Hartog et Segal 1964 em. Pietsch 1965 class are specialized ecological phytocoenoses occurring in oligotrophic, mesotrophic or dystrophic waters on peat substrates. In Poland they belong to communities which are very poorly studied. In 2014, in the complex of an inactive, flooded peat mine in S³owiñski National Park (N Poland), near the village of Gaæ were found 2 plant communities from the Utricularietea intermedio-minoris class: Sparganietum minimi (geographical coordinates 54°69'05.65'' N, 17°50'40.42'' E) and Scorpidio-Utricularietum minoris (geographical coordinates 54°69'06.52'' N, 17°50'50.29'' E). These communities had not yet been recorded in this area.
Syrphidae (Diptera) of the Kêpa Red³owska reserve SUMMARY Hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) comprise a family of insects of the order Diptera. A faunistic survey of the hoverflies was conducted in Kêpa Red³owska - one of the oldest nature reserves in Poland, and in its adjacent areas. In total 179 species of Syrphidae were found, including two species new to Polish fauna: Sphaerophoria chongjini Bañk. and Neocnemodon larusi Vuj. A further species, Neocnemodon brevidens (Egg.) is recorded from Poland with detailed location for the first time. Twelve syrphid species listed in the "Red List of threatened animals in Poland" were confirmed during the study. The paper also contains comments on the seasonal dynamics of imagines and structure of trophic groups of larvae of hoverflies occurring on Kêpa Red³owska compared to the Trójmiejski Landscape Park. The reserve is a valuable refuge for hoverflies, especially species associated with dead wood.
New data on the occurrence SUMMARY This article presents the distribution of Brenthis daphne (Bergsträsser, 1780) in the south-eastern part of Poland (Regions of Ma³opolska and Podkarpacie) in the period 2001-2016. The observations - 108 records, collected in 71 new sites, distributed in 37 (36 new) UTM (10 × 10 km) squares - were conducted in 5 macroregions (Beskidy Lesiste, Beskidy ¦rodkowe, Beskidy Zachodnie, Pogórze ¦rodkowobeskidzkie and Kotlina Sandomierska) and 12 mesoregions (Beskid Makowski, Pogórze Ciê¿kowickie, Pogórze Jasielskie, Pogórze Bukowskie, Kotlina Jasielsko-Kro¶nieñska, Pogórze Strzy¿owskie, Pogórze Dynowskie, Pogórze Przemyskie, Beskid Niski, Bieszczady Zachodnie, Góry Sanocko-Turczañskie and P³askowy¿ Tarnogrodzki). In 2 macro- and 9 mesoregions of SE Poland B. daphne was detected for the first time. Most of the new sites of the species are located in the macroregion of Pogórze ¦rodkowobeskidzkie (about 49%) and in Beskidy ¦rodkowe (about 37%). Due to the large number of observations (94 records) and the long period of research, the author have established the time of the occurrence of imagines of B. daphne in the Podkarpacie Region - butterflies were observed from the second half of July to the beginning of August. Caterpillars were observed only on Rubus spp. In conclusion - B. daphne, during the last two decades, has been in spectacular expansion in SE Poland, especially in the Podkarpacie region, where a majority (about 93%) of all new sites is located. Due to the fact that in SE Poland B. daphne reaches the northern range of its local limit, which is associated with fluctuations in the number of sites in different seasons, continuation of research in the following years is essential to determine the actual status of the species in this part of Poland.
Herpetofauna of the Dalejów nature reserve SUMMARY
The forest nature reserve ‘‘Dalejów'' is located in the central
part of ¦wiêtokrzyskie province (Skar¿ysko district, municipality
Bli¿yn). Its area is 87.58 hectares, covering only forest
communities. The reserve covers the northern part of a hill with a
strongly irregular shape and a flat ridge. The northern part of the
reserve is the lowest and most waterlogged, with a drying swamp and a
small stream. The forests represent several habitat types, mainly
mixed upland and lowland forests, but also moist mixed coniferous and
mixed coniferous upland forests. The most valuable are ancient forest
stands containing Polish larch Larix polonica Rac. (Szaf.),
some older than 200 years.
Winter diet of the long eared-owl Asio otus SUMMARY The diet composition of the long-eared owl Asio otus was investigated during winter 2015/2016 in the lower Narew river valley (Wieliszew, Mazowiecka Lowland, central Poland, 52.45°N, 20.97°E) on the basis of collected owl pellets. In total 821 prey individuals, 12 species of mammals, were identified. Arvicolinae individuals had a share of (81.3%) and Muridae (17.2%). Common vole Microtus arvalis (54.6%) and root vole M. oeconomus (20.3%) were dominants, while shrews Sorex araneus and S. minutus, Natterer's bat Myotis nattereri and field vole M. agrestis were caught very seldom. Passerine birds constituted only 1.1% of prey. Weather conditions were typical for winter only in January. During February and March thermal conditions like spring prevailed. The share of harvest mouse Micromys minutus decreased significantly from January to March (from 4.3 to 1.1%, p<0.046); the share of wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus increased from 1.7 to 5.5%, p<0.048 and the share of root vole increased from 13.3 to 22.5%, p=0.01.
Chronicle Natural history museum in the tsar's palace in Bia³owie¿a SUMMARY In the article the history of the second permanent natural history exhibition in Bia³owie¿a is presented. It was started by the Germans during the First World War and was systematically expanded in the interwar period by Polish scientists Józef Paczoski and Jan Jerzy Karpiñski, who in the interwar period managed the Rezerwat Forest District (since 1932 Bia³owie¿a National Park). The exhibition was situated in the tsar's palace in 1916-1936. |