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PNRP 37(1) – 2018 r.
Bryophytes of the Na Opalonym nature reserve SUMMARY
The reserve Na Opalonym was established in 1996 for the protection of the
Carpathian primeval beech forest Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum.
It is located in the Sanocko-Turczańskie Mountains (Eastern Carpathians),
north-east of Wojtkowa village (Fig. 1), and covers 217.13 ha. The
aim of the study was to recognize the bryoflora of the reserve
Na Opalonym, evaluation of its value (occurrence of protected and
endangered species), and analysis the habitat preferences of bryophytes.
Natural assets of the vegetation SUMMARY The proposed "Prądowiec" Nature Reserve is a place with noteworthy vegetation. In this area 7 different plant communities were noted, representing 4 vegetation classes: Betulo-Adenostyletea, Vaccinio-Piceetea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and Querco-Fagetea. The most common association in the study area is the montane spruce forest on peat, Bazzanio-Piceetum, which is also the most precious community as the priority habitat (91D0*), but has not yet been protected as a nature reserve in the Śląski Beskid Mts. All of the communities are presented in Tabs. 1 and 2. In "Prądowiec" 171 plant species were also noted, including only 6 alien species and 52 species which are endangered in the Silesian Province (Tab. 3). For the sake of the great natural assets of the studied area, so different from other nature reserves in the Beskid Śląski Mts, the valley of Prądowiec should be taken under law protection.
Potametum praelongi Sauer 1937 SUMMARY In the Smolnik nature reserve in Opole Silesia (SW Poland) phytocoenoses Potametum praelongi were found during geobotanical studies in 2015 - geographical coordinates 50°83'97,62'' N, 18°24'59,79'' E. So far Potametum praelongi has not been recorded in the area of the Smolnik nature reserve. In Poland communities are very rarely noted. In the Smolnik nature reserve patches of the community evolved in water depths of 150 - 200 cm, with a pH of 7.4. Most of them have a two-layer construction; fewer with a monolayer. This community occupies areas up to a maximum of 200 - 300 m2. From 5 to 7, an average of 6 species, were recorded. In total, the phytocenoses recorded 8 species of plants, and this is close to the number of species of this phytocoenoses in Poland and Europe.
Population state SUMMARY This article presents the assessment of the state of the Lopinga achine species' habitat in Poland. It is a protected and endangered species. Throughout two-year studies, the authors of this article found this particular species in Radłów forests including the nature reserve Lasy Radłowskie. The locality studied in this article is near Brzeźnica village and Radłów city. It is within the administrative borders of Tarnów municipality in Lesser Poland province (lat. 50°03' N, long. 20°48' E). The area of research is in UTM square: DA 84 (10x10 km) and it is within the mesoregion Płaskowyż Tarnowski. The observation of the species has shown the unsatisfactory state of the population and the need for further research. At the moment, the population is not endangered and it is stable.
The occurrence and abundance of amphibians SUMMARY
In recent years we have been dealing with the decline in the number or
disappearance of amphibian populations all over the world, including
in Poland. Currently, amphibians are the
group of vertebrates most threatened with extinction. This is mainly
connected with increasing anthropopression,
which results in the degradation of breeding sites and habitat
fragmentation. This problem is particularly important because
amphibians play a significant role in both terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems, also positively affecting the human economy. As one of
the most important links in the food chain, amphibians are sometimes
the main source of food for many species, and as predators they
regulate the number of many invertebrates, including species harmful
to agriculture and forestry.
Morphometric features SUMMARY
Between Sromowce Niżne and Szczawnica, a narrow meander gorge of the Dunajec
River dissects the Pieniny Mts. It is called the Pieniny Dunajec
Gorge (Fig. 1), the rock faces of which exceed 400 m. Although the
geological structure, origin and relief of the gap have been
described in a lot of publications, its genesis has not been
unambiguously resolved so far (Zuchiewicz
1982, Bikenmajer 2003, Bikenmajer
2006). Moreover, no detailed bathymetric plans of the Dunajec
riverbed have been made to allow the recognition of its morphometric
features. The main objective of the study was to present a
bathymetric plan of the Dunajec riverbed within the so-called
Robber's Leap. Its analysis allowed us to characterise the
morphometric features of the riverbed in detail, as well as verify
its maximum depth.
Vascular plants of the Wyspa Lipowa na Jeziorze Szwałk Wielki SUMMARY During the survey of Wyspa Lipowa na Jeziorze Szwałk Wielki (Borki Forest, NE Poland) 83 species of vascular plants were recorded, including 50 species previously not reported from the reserve. No single threatened species was found, and the share of ancient forest species was extremely high (more than 37% of the vascular plants recorded belong to that group), Such species composition should be considered as a characteristic feature of vascular flora of well-preserved ancient, broadleaf forests with no recent disturbance events. What is even more interesting is that no invasive species or even anthropophytes were found, which should be regarded as a unique phenomenon among Polish nature reserves. A prominent feature of the reserve is the dominance of Lunaria rediviva, a mountain species, in the herb layer. The plant cover of the reserve is outstandingly well preserved and needs a further passive conservation approach. |