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PNRP 42(2)
Diet composition of the European bison (Bison bonasus) during the growing season in selected SUMMARY
The European bison is the largest terrestrial mammal in Europe. Its natural habitat is extensive deciduous and mixed forests. Large herbivores shape the structure and diversity of ecosystems. In a result, they are crucial for the environment. Knowledge about bison’s diet allows for a better understanding of their ecology, but it may also be used in plant and ecosystem ecology. The research aimed to determine the share of undergrowth, meadow and woody plant species eaten by bison.
The results of preliminary research in years 2018 – 2022 on the butterflies and moths SUMMARY
Between 2018 and 2022, research on Lepidoptera in Ca³owanie Marsh area in Mazowiecki Landscape Park was conducted to determine the spatial distribution and diversity of species. The butterflies and moths were observed in 9 permanent sites, located across the whole area. A total number of 326 species (10% of Polish Lepidoptera fauna) from 23 families were recorded and found in the literature. Among them 2 species were new to Masovian province. In the collected material there are 10 species included in the “Red List of Threatened Animals in Poland”, 5 species rarely found in Poland and 264 species which have not been recorded before from Ca³owanie Marsh area. The greatest number of species was recorded on following sites: ¦cie¿ka przyrodnicza „13 b³ota stóp” (160 species) and Wydma Pêkatka (153 species). Among all records, 10 species from the „Red List of Threatened Animals in Poland” deserve special attention: Heteropterus morpheus, Iphiclides podalirius, Papilio machaon, Lycaena dispar, Lycaena helle, Phengaris alcon, Phengaris teleius, Apatura ilia, Coenonympha tullia, Spatalia argentina.
The proposed „Ciesacin” nature reserve as a refuge of the Marsh fritillary SUMMARY
Peat bogs and fens are extremely precious, yet the most endangered habitats both in Poland as in the wole Europe, including alkaline, calcareous fens described in the this article. Because of various human actions like meliorations, drainage wetlands for pastures, and additionally, far reaching climatic changes, such areas may shortly vanish from the surface of the earth. The proposed „Ciesacin” nature reserve, known from many publications as „Ciesacin” Fen, located near Garbatówka and Grabniak, in Cyców community, £êczna County, Lublin Voivodeship, deserves special attention to flora and fauna (vertebrates and invertebrates). Whereas, vegetation of this area has ben described in details, the fauna, especially invertebrates, has not been paid enough attention so far.
The association Sphagno capillifolii-Empetretum nigri in the Tatra National Park – SUMMARY Sphagnum-Polytrichum hummocks are formed by Sphagnum spp., Polytrichum strictum, accompanied by dwarf shrubs: Vaccinium spp., Empetrum hermaphroditum and herbaceous plants representing siliceous alpine swards. They were a subject of bryological research in the Tatra National Park, but there were no phytosociological studies on them. In 2022 patches of Sphagnum-Polytrichum hummocks in the TNP were mapped and documented by a set of 24 relevés (Table 1). These patches have been classified to the Sphagno capillifolii-Empetretum nigri Bìlohlávková 2006 association and the Sphagno capillifolii-Empetretum nigri luzuletosum alpinopilosae Bìlohlávková 2006 subassociation. This syntaxon consists of moss species characteristic for peat bogs and vascular plants characteristic for crowberry thickets. Sphagno capillifolii-Empetretum nigri develops mainly in the subalpine and alpine belts, less often in the upper montane zone.
SHORT FLORISTIC, FAUNISTIC AND MICOBIOTIC NOTES Mosses and liverworts of the Ga³ków nature reserve (Central Poland) SUMMARY In 2020 bryological research was carried out in the "Ga³ków" nature reserve (£ód¼ Voivodeship, Brzeziny Forest District). It is one of the smallest reserve in this region. In studied area deciduous forests (mainly Luzulo pilosae-Fagetum and Galio odorati-Fagetum) predominate. As a result, 5 liverwort species and 43 species and one variety of moss were found. The analysis of ecological groups showed that epixylic and epiphytic bryophytes were the most numerous. Seven protected and endangered species were found in the “Ga³ków” reserve. Among the most important records can be mentioned: Dicranoweisia cirrata, Orthodicranum tauricum, Orthotrichum striatum, Ulota crispa and U. bruchii. |